Dental implants replace the roots of lost teeth, but does that mean you need a dental implant for each missing tooth? Not necessarily. Here at New Haven Dental Group, we are proud to offer a unique treatment known as All-on-4 in New Haven. We can replace an entire arch of missing teeth with as few as four dental implants — and we can often do so in just a single appointment (after the initial planning stage)! Contact us today if you would like to learn more about how this streamlined tooth replacement strategy may be able to benefit you.
Dental implants in New Haven are small titanium cylinders that we insert into the jawbone. They provide a strong base of support for the restorations (artificial teeth) that go on top of them. During the All-on-4 procedure, we place two dental implants toward the front of the jawbone and two toward the back at an angle. This strategic placement method utilizes areas of the bone that are naturally strong and thick. This means patients can often avoid the need for a bone graft.
Immediately after you receive the dental implants, you will get a temporary denture to go on top of them. Later, after a healing period, you will receive your permanent new teeth.
As your implant dentist in New Haven, our team will be happy to help you determine whether you are a candidate for All-on-4 — most people are! Some common traits of individuals who undergo this procedure include:
Some of the top benefits of the All-on-4 treatment include:
In general, the All-on-4 treatment is faster, less costly, and less invasive than traditional dental implant procedures. It also usually involves just one surgery as opposed to two or more. It is often ideal for patients who have already lost a bit of bone mass in their jaw.
Of course, traditional dental implant procedures also have their advantages. For example, using more dental implants may lead to the strongest prosthetic teeth possible. Our team will help you compare the pros and cons of all of your treatment choices before you decide how to move forward.
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