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How Can Drinking Through a Straw Protect Your Teeth?

April 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — newhavendental @ 5:24 pm
Close-up of iced coffee with straw

If you are like most people, you might have always believed that whether not you use a drinking straw is a matter of personal preference. Some people gravitate toward straws because they seem fun and fashionable. Others like to take direct sips from their beverages. But did you know that using a straw is often the wiser course of action? Doing so can protect your teeth! This blog post explains how that is true.

How Do Beverages Affect Your Teeth?

When you sip on certain beverages, such as plain water or milk, there is nothing to worry about if they directly contact your teeth. In fact, they can provide some significant benefits.

Other beverages, however, can pose problems for oral health. For example:

  • Acidic beverages, such as sports drinks, soda, and certain juices, can erode and weaken tooth enamel.
  • Sugary beverages, like soda pop and sweetened coffee, are major contributors to tooth decay.
  • Highly pigmented beverages, including even unsweetened coffee and tea, can stain your tooth enamel over time.

How Can a Straw Protect Your Teeth?

Of course, the most reliable way to protect your teeth from damage is to cut out beverages that might harm them. However, for the majority of people, it simply is not practical or realistic to expect them to give up their coffee or abandon their favorite soft drink.

When you choose to indulge in sugary, acidic, or highly pigmented beverages, it is wise to do so through a straw. A straw can minimize the amount of contact between your teeth and the liquid you are consuming. Therefore, you can decrease your risk of issues like stains, cavities, and enamel erosion.

Tips for Drinking Through a Straw

Here are a few points to keep in mind as you incorporate straw usage into your daily routine:

  • It is best to avoid disposable plastic straws. Plastic straws have faced some scrutiny for their impact on the environment. There are lots of options out there for reusable, easy-to-clean metal and silicone straws.
  • Do not take too long to finish your drinks. The longer you take to finish a beverage, the longer your teeth are exposed to acid. While you do not have to guzzle your drinks, you should not linger over them, either.
  • Remember that there are exceptions. Straws are usually beneficial for oral health. However, if you recently underwent a tooth extraction or another major dental procedure, they should be avoided. They can interfere with blood clots in the mouth and lead to complications.

Do you want to maintain a healthy, attractive smile? A straw could help you do just that!

Meet the Practice

New Haven Dental Group has proudly served our community for decades. We are always happy to give patients advice on how they can maintain strong teeth and gums. If you have questions about oral care, contact our team at 203-712-4068.

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New Haven Dental Group is a 42 North Dental Care, PLLC practice and is owned and operated by dentists Dr. Samuel Shames, DDM. and Dr. Ronald Weissman, DDM. Gentle Dental is supported by 42 North Dental, LLC, a dental support organization that provides non-clinical administrative and business support services to the practice. 42 North Dental, LLC does not own or operate the dental practice or employ dentists to provide dental services. Find more information about 42 North Dental, LLC and the dental practices it supports at 42northdental.com.

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